boolean_parser Reference


boolean_parser.parse(value, base='sqla')[source]

Convenience function to returned a parsed expression

Returns a parsed string using one of the available Parsers in boolean_parser. The base keyword argument can be used to select which Parser to use. The availble bases are: “base”, “sqla”. The default base is “sqla” which uses the boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLAParser.

  • value – str The string expression to evaluate and parse

  • base – str: The base Parser to use. Default is sqlalchemy parser.


A parsed string using a Parsers object.


Boolean Actions

class boolean_parser.actions.boolean.BaseBool(data)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for handling conditions joined by boolean logic operators

This class handles the parsing of boolean logic within strings. The boolean classes are assigned to the pyparsing.infixNotation() in the order of boolean NOTS->ANDS->ORS, i.e. BoolNot-> BoolAnd-> BoolOr. For example, the string “x > 1 and y < 2”, consisting of two conditions joined by a boolean “and” gets parsed into “and_(x>1, y<2)”, represented as “BoolAnd(Condition1, Condition2)”. During parsing, the class extracts all conditions and parameters joined by the boolean logic and makes them accessible as attributes.

  • params – list A list of extracted parameters from all conditions

  • conditions – list A list of conditions contained within the boolean clause

  • logicop – str The boolean logic operator used to join the conditions

logicop = None
property params

The extracted parameters from a parsed condition

class boolean_parser.actions.boolean.BoolAnd(data)[source]

Bases: BaseBool

Class for boolean And logic

logicop = 'and'
class boolean_parser.actions.boolean.BoolNot(data)[source]

Bases: BaseBool

Class for boolean Not logic

logicop = 'not'
class boolean_parser.actions.boolean.BoolOr(data)[source]

Bases: BaseBool

Class for boolean Or logic

logicop = 'or'

Clause Actions

class boolean_parser.actions.clause.BaseAction(data)[source]

Bases: object

Base object representing a clause action

An action to perform after parsing a string clause. If set, actions run Actions are attached to clauses with the setParseAction on a given pyparsing element. pyparsing.ParserElement.setParseAction() accepts a function or class to be applied to the pyparsing element during the parsing process. Multiple actions can be attached by passing a list of functions or classes. This class extracts the parsed data from the pyparsing element and makes it accessible as a variety of named attributes.

  • name – str The name of the extracted parameter

  • base – str The base name of the extracted parameter, if any.

  • fullname – str The full name of the extracted parameter as base + name

  • data – dict The extracted parsed parameters from the pyparse clause

  • parsed_clausepyparsing.ParseResults The original pyparsed results object

  • input_clause – str The original input clause element

property fullname

The full parameter name, including any base

class boolean_parser.actions.clause.Condition(data)[source]

Bases: BaseAction

Class action for handling conditional clauses

This action performs a basic conditional parse. The syntax for a conditional expressions is defined as “parameter operand value” or for “between” conditions, “parameter between value and value2”. The parameter name, operand, and parameter value is assigned as the name, operator, and value attribute, respectively. Example conditional clauses: “x > 5” or “x > 5 and y < 3”. When using a “between” condition, e.g. “x between 3 and 5”, an additional value2 attribute is assigned the second parameter value. For bitwise operands of ‘&’ and ‘|’, the value can also accept a negation prefix, e.g. “x & ~256”, which evaluates to “x & -257”.

Allowed operands for conditionals are:

‘>’, ‘>=, ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘==’, ‘=’, ‘!=’, ‘&’, ‘|’

In addition to the Base Attributes, the Condition action provides additional attributes containing the parsed condition parameters.

  • operator – str The operand used in the condition

  • value – str The parameter value in the condition

  • value2 – str Optional second value, assigned when a “between” condition is used.

property input_clause

Original input clause as a string

class boolean_parser.actions.clause.Word(data)[source]

Bases: BaseAction

Class action for handling word clauses

This action performs a basic word parse. The basic word is assigned as the name attribute. Example word clauses: “alpha” or “alpha and beta or not charlie”.

property input_clause

Original input clause as a string


class boolean_parser.mixins.sqla.SQLAMixin[source]

Bases: object

A Mixin class to apply SQLAlchemy filter parsing

This mixin adds a filter method to the parsed result which converts the parsed string object into an appropriate SQLAlchemy filter condition to be used in SQLAlchemy queries.


Return the condition as an SQLalchemy query filter condition

Loops over all models and creates a filter condition for that model given the input filter parameters.


modelclass (objects) – A set of ModelClasses to use in the filter condition


A SQL query filter condition


exception boolean_parser.parsers.base.BooleanParserException[source]

Bases: Exception

class boolean_parser.parsers.base.Parser(value=None)[source]

Bases: object

Core Parser class for parsing strings into objects

A core Parser class that can parse strings into a set of objects based on a defined set of string clause elements, and actions to perform for each clause.

classmethod build_clause(clauses=None)[source]

Build a single clause from a list of clauses using pp.MatchFirst

Merges a list of clauses into a single clause using pyparsing.MatchFirst. This is equivalent to “clause = clause1 | clause2 | clause3`. The clause precedence the Parser uses will be the order they appear in the list. The default is to use the attached Parser._clauses list.


clauses – list A list of clauses to merge into a single clause

classmethod build_parser(clauses=None, actions=None, bools=None)[source]

Builds a new boolean parser

Constructs a new boolean Parser class given a set of clauses, actions, and boolean objects. Clauses are individual pyparsing elements that represent string clauses to pattern match on. Actions are functions or classes set on each clause element that control how that clause is parsed. See Clause Elements for the available pyparsing clause elements.

Assigns the default boolean classes, [BoolNot, BoolAnd, BoolOr] to the pyparsing.infixNotation() such that NOTs->ANDs->ORs. If bools is specified instead, uses those object classes to handle boolean logic. bools must be a list of length 3 containing classes for boolean “not”, “and”, and “or” logic in that order.

  • clauses – list A list of pyparsing clause elements

  • actions – list A list of actions to attach to each clause element

  • bools – list A list of Boolean classes to use to handle boolean logic


>>> from boolean_parser.parsers import Parser
>>> from boolean_parser.clauses import condition, words
>>> from boolean_parser.actions.clause import Condition, Word
>>> # Assign the parsing order precedence for clauses
>>> clauses = [condition, words]
>>> # Create a list of Actions for each clause in clauses
>>> actions = [Condition, Word]
>>> # build the Parser with these clauses and actions
>>> Parser.build_parser(clauses=clauses, actions=actions)

Parse a string conditional

Calls parseString on the pyparsing clause element to parse the input string into a pyparsing.ParseResults object.


value – str The string expression to parse


A pyparsing.ParseResults object


>>> from boolean_parser.parsers import Parser
>>> pp = Parser()
>>> pp.parse('x > 1')
>>> x>1
classmethod set_clauses(clauses)[source]

Sets the list of clauses to use


clauses – list A list of clauses to attach to the Parser

classmethod set_parse_actions(mapping=None, clauses=None, actions=None)[source]

Attach actions to a pyparsing clause element

pyparsing clause elements can have optional actions set with the setParseAction which control how each clause is parsed. This maps a list of actions onto a list of clauses. If mapping is used, it must be a list of tuples containing which action to map to which clause. Otherwise clauses and actions must be provided as equal-length lists which contain, for each item, what action(s) to attach to the corresponding clause.

  • mapping – list of tuples A list of tuples containing a (clause, action) mapping.

  • clauses – list A list of clauses

  • actions – list A list of actions to attach to each clause


>>> from boolean_parser.parsers import Parser
>>> from boolean_parser.clauses import condition, words
>>> from boolean_parser.actions.clause import Condition, Word
>>> clauses = [condition, words]
>>> actions = [Condition, Word]
>>> Parser.set_parse_actions(clauses=clauses, actions=actions)
property conditions

The extracted conditions from the parsed string

property params

The extracted parameters from the parsed string

class boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLAAnd(data)[source]

Bases: BoolAnd, SQLBoolBase

SQLalchemy class for boolean And

class boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLACondition(data)[source]

Bases: SQLAMixin, Condition

SQLAlchemy Conditional Action

Subclasses from Condition and SQLAMixin to create an action that parses a string that represents a SQLAlchemy filter condition and allows for conversion from the parsed string result to a SQLAlchemy filter object. For SQLAlchemy conditions, the syntax for a conditon expression is “database_table_name.parameter operand value” where “database_table_name.parameter” is a dotted syntax for ModelClass.parameter which maps to dbtable_name.column_name. For example, given a base ModelClass “TableModel” with parameter “x”, that maps to a database table called “table” with column “x”, the conditional expression “table.x < 4” parses into “{name: ‘x’, fullname: ‘table.x’, base: ‘table’, operator: ‘<’, value: ‘4’}”

class boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLANot(data)[source]

Bases: BoolNot, SQLBoolBase

SQLalchemy class for boolean Not

class boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLAOr(data)[source]

Bases: BoolOr, SQLBoolBase

SQLalchemy class for boolean Or

class boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLAParser(value=None)[source]

Bases: Parser

A SQLAlchemy boolean parser object

A Parser class that provides a mechanism for converting a string conditional into a SQLAlchemy filter condition that can be passed into SQLAlchemy queries. This parser contains a filter method which accepts a list of SQLAlchemy Model classes used to identify and convert the parsed parameter name into a SQLAlchemy Instrumented Attribute.


>>> from boolean_parser.parsers import SQLAParser
>>> from database.models import TableModel
>>> from database import session
>>> # create the parser and parse a sql condition
>>> res = SQLParser('table.x > 5 and table.y < 2').parse()
>>> res
>>> and_(x>5, y<2)
>>> # generate the sqlalchemy filter
>>> ff = res.filter(TableModel)
>>> print(ff.compile(compile_kwargs={'literal_binds': True}))
>>> table.x > 5 AND table.y < 2
>>> # perform the sqlalchemy query
>>> session.query(TableModel).filter(ff).all()
class boolean_parser.parsers.sqla.SQLBoolBase(data)[source]

Bases: BaseBool

Class for handling boolean logic joins for SQLALchemy filter expressions


Calls the filter method for each condition


models – list A list of SQLAlchemy ORM models